The Four Stages of Healing—Managing Your Doctor-Patient Relationship

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ED. NOTE: I recommend inserting holistic, integrative, chiropractic, Chinese Medicine or Ayurveda practitioner as "doctor" that's used in this article, written by an integrative OMD, by the way.

'The ancient Chinese believed that life is change, and gave the world the I Ching to help us understand the nature of change. Medicine is no different than life. We are reluctant to accept change and often resist getting help when we are sick. It’s understandable. We all want perfect health. 

Perhaps we are gifted with a decade or two of great health and vigor, but eventually life catches up with us. We age. We experience accidents, infections, stressors and loss. Genetic tendencies show up like clockwork. But, so much for the bad news. What can we do about it? 

The good news is that you can make positive influences on how your body functions. Every day in many ways you can influence the outcomes of health. Food matters. Exercise helps. Sleep makes a big difference. Positive social connections, a loving family, and a circle of great friends and supportive coworkers are all important for health and longevity.' 



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