Genetically-modified Rice Trials in U.S. Contaminate World’s Rice Supply
Photo Credit: Health Freedom Alliance


'New evidence has emerged suggesting that the entire global supply of rice may have already been contaminated by unapproved, genetically-modified (GM) rice varieties manufactured by the American multinational corporation Bayer CropScience. 

A recent entry in the GM Contamination Register explains that between the years of 2006 and 2007, three different varieties of illegal GM rice, none of which have ever been approved for cultivation or consumption anywhere in the world, were identified in more than 30 countries worldwide.'


Family Sues After Dangerous Flu Vaccine Causes Child to Become Severely Brain Damaged

 A child in Australia suffered a severe reaction to a flu vaccine.
Photo Credit: VacTruth


'A family in Perth, Australia, is seeking compensation from the pharmaceutical company CSL Limited. Their daughter Saba became severely disabled after she received the flu vaccine Fluvax in 2010. 

The family is suing CSL Limited for their daughter’s pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, profound disability, medical care and travel expenses, stating that Fluvax caused their daughter to become severely brain-damaged and almost completely blind.' 


Simple Natural Solution Prevents Harmful Fungi From Developing In 60 Percent of Dishwashers

'You probably consider your dishwasher a time-saving appliance that makes life easier by doing a dreaded household chore. Dishwashers get loaded, started, and emptied, but we rarely consider the consequences of the moisture, heat, food scraps which also make it a perfect breeding grounds for fungi, including some that could be harmful to your health. Here's a simple natural solution that prevents fungi from developing in your dishwasher.'


Horror as patient wakes up in NY hospital with doctors trying to harvest her organs for transplant profits


'I've warned Natural News readers about this several times over the last decade: Do NOT become an organ donor! Although you may wish to help others out of the goodness of your (literal) heart, the sinister truth is that doctors routinely harvest organs from LIVING patients right here in the USA.

And here's yet more proof. This true story will astound you.'


Is Apple Cider Vinegar That Powerful of a Health Tonic? Science Says Yes

'One of the most traditional cures for almost anything is apple cider vinegar. Over the centuries, the ancient folk remedy is touted to relieve just about any ailment you can think of including diabetes, obesity and even cancer. Here's what science has found.'


The Remarkable Heart-Friendy Properties of Avocados

The Remarkable Heart-Friendy Properties of Avocados

'There are still folks out there who believe that the 'high fat' content of avocados make them a liability for heart health. But the research on avocados simply doesn't support this lipid-phobic view. Take for example a recent study that looked at what happened when avocado was added to a heart-stopping American favorite, the hamburger meal.[i]

Researchers at the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition took eleven healthy subjects, and on two different occasions, fed them either 250 gram hamburger patty alone (ca. 436 cal and 25 g fat) or together with 68 grams of avocado flesh (an additional 114 cal and 11 g of fat for a total of 550 cal and 36 g fat).' 


Obesity epidemic caused by EMF exposures in the home according to startling new research

'Two-thirds of the U.S. population is overweight, and about one-quarter to one-third of adults are obese. Fact. Poor diet and a lack of exercise are at fault, the experts say. But what if the cause of this epidemic was something even more insidious? What if that which is considered the lifeblood of our modern day lives, electricity or more precisely dirty electricity, was really to blame?'


War on Health - The FDA's Cult of Tyranny

Curing With Cayenne
Photo Credit:

"If you master only one herb in your life, master cayenne pepper. It is more powerful than any other."

                         - Dr. Richard SCHULZE, Medical Herbalist

'If you want to become a powerful healer for yourself and your family, master one herb...cayenne pepper. Knowing cayenne deeply will give you and your family more cures than dabbling in twenty herbs.

Learn cayenne deeply before you go on to anything else.

Life is like karate. If you smash a brick with your hand, you will accomplish nothing and bruise yourself. But if you mentally focus your energy, then you can achieve what seems impossible.

Focus. Don't scatter your energy. Being a good nutritional conversationalist won't save you from many of the diseases in this book. To cure yourself, you will need a detailed knowledge of cayenne.

Put the time in. Study this book. Practice now, so that when the emergencies come, you will act by reflex and not panic.

Students always ask Dr. Schultz, "What are the ten most important herbs to have in the home?" He tells them, "At the top of the list is cayenne pepper, because it will make the other nine work better."


10 Causes Of Fibromyalgia Your Doctor May Not Know About

Photo Credit:

'It’s estimated that fibromyalgia affects approximately 10 million people in the United States. Fibromyalgia is classically characterized by chronic pain, particularly muscle pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, brain fog or cognitive impairment, depression and painful tender points throughout the body.

Conventional medicine has yet to uncover the cause of fibromyalgia and only offers management of symptoms through pain medications and antidepressants.

Functional medicine, on the other hand, looks to find the root cause of fibromyalgia and other chronic diseases, treating the problem at the root level to restore the patient to health. As a functional medicine physician, I’ve helped many patients recover from fibromyalgia.  Below are the top ten root causes of fibromyalgia I see in my clinic.'


Tips for Staying Active in the Office to Counteract the Ills of a Sedentary Job

 Office yoga
Photo Credit: beliefnet

12 Yoga Poses for Your Workday 

'Have you always wanted to try yoga, can't find the time in today's busy and competitive world? Have you heard yoga's a great stress buster, but think you can't stop running long enough to take a deep breath? Then this sequence of yoga poses is for you! No matter how highly scheduled your day is, you can practice these simple yoga movements.

In between meetings and conference calls, day care and doctor's appointments, each of these poses will draw your senses away from the outside world and help you look within to find peace and renewed energy from the moment you wake up until the end of the day.'


If You Don't Want Older Bones, Don't Be Low In Vitamin D - How To Make Sure You're Getting Enough of The Sunshine Vitamin

'Those with the greatest need of vitamin D typically have the lowest intakes. If you are a woman, you need to pay special attention to your vitamin D status to protect your bones. 

Using state-of-the-art technology, researchers from the University Medical Center Hamburg in Germany, and the University of California, Berkeley found that vitamin D deficiency was associated with less mineralization on the surface of the bone, as well as structural characteristics of older and more brittle bone.'


How Psychiatric Drugs Made America Mad

Many casually prescribed drugs are fully capable of disabling – often permanently – bodies, brains and spirits.

'Since the introduction of major tranquilizers like Thorazine and Haldol, “minor” tranquilizers like Miltown, Librium and Valium and the dozens of so-called “antidepressants” like Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil, tens of millions of unsuspecting Americans have become mired deeply, to the point of permanent disability, in the American mental “health” system. 

Many of these innocents have actually been made “crazy” and often disabled by the use of – or the withdrawal from – these commonly prescribed, brain-altering and, for many, brain-damaging psychiatric drugs that have been, for many decades, cavalierly handed out like candy – often in untested and therefore unapproved combinations of two or more.'


Background Mortality Rate for Vaccines, or Pseudo Study?

 Hypodermic and Petrie Dishes with Blood
Photo Credit: Gaia Health

'Parents of vaccine-injured children call for a study comparing the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated people. So the CDC has come up with a study that, at first glance, appears to provide just that. But that’s just the first glance. A closer view shows that it looks more like another attempt to obscure the truth.'


If you know how many people die in an unvaccinated population, then the rate of death after a vaccine is introduced can be identified fairly accurately. This study, though, suffers from a multitude of problems that negate any possibility of providing a genuine background rate of mortality to determine a vaccine’s risk.'


How a Bad Fish Oil Study Became Big News

'On July 10, 2013, major media headlines and news stories claimed “Too Much Fish Oil Might Boost Prostate Cancer Risk.” Wow, that sure seems fishy given all of the positive health benefits linked to fish oil intake. In examining the study, there are numerous issues that clearly indicate that perhaps the conclusion is wrong, but really a study’s conclusion is only as good as the study itself.'


Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Black Seeds

'Black seeds contain over 100 chemical compounds and some of the ingredients are yet to be discovered and identified. The main active ingredient in black seeds is crystalline nigellone. 

The seeds also contain beta sitosterol, thymoquinone, myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, palmitoleic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, proteins and vitamins B1, B2 and B3. 

They also contain calcium, folic acid, iron, copper, zinc and phosphorous. An all around multiple vitamin in these tiny black seeds.'


The Fracked-up USA Shale Gas Bubble

'At a time when much of the world is looking with a mix of envy and excitement at the recent boom in USA unconventional gas from shale rock, when countries from China to Poland to France to the UK are beginning to launch their own ventures into unconventional shale gas extraction, hoping it is the cure for their energy woes, the US shale boom is revealing itself to have been a gigantic hyped confidence bubble that is already beginning to deflate. Carpe diem!'


Nanosized aluminum being sprayed in the atmosphere, causing degenerative disease, says neurosurgeon
Photo Credit:hangthebankers

'Back in the 1960's, quiet scientific dialogue began about global climate change and how it can be manipulated. What might have turned into a productive discussion of responsible protection of Earth's climate and ecosystem had eventually evolved into a mad, controlling science experiment

By the 21st century, jumbo jets were being deployed to drop billions of dollars of nanosized aluminum and other particles into the skies. In attempts to reflect sunlight away from the Earth and cool climate temperatures, this science experiment has exploited populations of people to mass amounts of airborne metals that are literally raining down and poisoning everyone, slowly, subtly.'


CDC Admits as Many as 30 Million Americans Could be at Risk for Cancer Due to Polio Vaccine

'Do vaccines cause cancer? Well Straight from the horses mouth, The CDC says it just may be so … but after 50 years they state more studies are needed (REALLY?).

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) posts on its own website the concern that as many as 30 million Americans could be at risk for cancer after receiving a Polio vaccination during the 1955 – 1963 time frame. This possibility exists because the vaccine in question was found to be contaminated with the SV40 virus. Most Americans received multiple doses of this vaccine that was administered to almost 100 million people.'


Why Turmeric May Be the Diseased Liver's Best Friend

Why Turmeric May Be the Diseased Liver's Best Friend

'You know turmeric has health benefits, most notably reducing inflammation, but did you know it may also protect and heal the damaged and diseased liver?

A new clinical trial published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine is shedding light on turmeric's remarkable liver protective and regenerative properties.[1]

South Korean researchers at the Clinical Trial Center for Functional Foods, Chonbuk National University Hospital, tested their hypothesis that turmeric may improve liver function by administering a fermented form to subjects, 20 years old and above, who were diagnosed mild to moderate elevated alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels, a maker for liver damage and/or dysfunction.'


How to make your own nut milk (or fresh green juice) using water, nuts, a blender and a nut milk bag

'Yesterday, I shared with you the super easy tutorial for making almond butter (and other nut butters), and as I expected, it was a huge hit! If you haven’t checked it out yet, you can view it here.

Today, we’re making almond milk, and I think it’s just as awesome, if not more so! Mr. Nurture and I only recently started getting into the world of almond milk, to tell you the truth. Not because of any dairy allergies or anything like that. We were just interested in venturing out and trying alternatives to cow’s milk.'


Antiperspirants: Cause of Breast Cancer?

Antiperspirants: Cause of Breast Cancer?

'Recent decades have brought enormous increases in breast cancer. Rather than look for a reason, most research has centered on finding treatments, though with little effect on outcomes. Philippa Darbre, though, has dedicated her efforts to finding if aluminum, a known human toxin that's the basis for antiperspirants, could be the culprit.

We live in the Age of Aluminum, a time that brings great convenience, but at the expense of enormous health damage. A likely case in point is the massive upsurge in breast cancer and fibrocystic disease, a condition of cyst formation in the breasts. Aluminum of the periodic table is the most likely cause of both these conditions.'


Top psychiatrist: 'We are turning childhood into a disease'

'One of the major criticisms is that the number of new psychiatric diagnoses added to it is rising exponentially. In 1952, the manual was 130 pages long. The fifth edition has 992 pages. And this latest edition has controversially added new diagnoses such as 'Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder', which essentially makes children's temper tantrums a mental illness.

Critics believe the manuals are "disease mongering" - inventing labels for conditions that don't really exist, but are normal, albeit difficult, facets of human nature.'


What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Leaky Gut Syndrome
Photo Credit: Global Health Center

'Leaky gut syndrome is as unpleasant a problem as its name suggests. Leaky Gut Syndrome, or intestinal hyperpermeability, describes a condition in which the intestines actually leak toxins, undigested food, harmful organisms, and waste into the blood stream. 

This happens when tight junctions, which are the barrier that prevents undigested or harmful material from crossing into the blood stream, become weakened. In simpler terms —'


Monsanto’s Patent Appeal Rejected by Indian Government, Saving Farmers, Food and Lives

'Monsanto’s attempts to patent further seeds and bankrupt entire generations of farmers and their families that have successfully farmed for centuries have been halted—at least in India—for now.

Less than a week ago, Monsanto got more than a slap on the wrist from the Indian government – they were delivered two fat rejections – one from the patent appeals court and another rejection that was upheld by the Intellectual Property Appellate Board.'


Shocking statistics revealed about Pharmaceutical industry, prescription drugs, medical procedures, drug side effects and more

‘Hidden Dangers’ of Mammograms Every Woman Should Know About

'Millions of women undergo them annually, but few are even remotely aware of just how many dangers they are exposing themselves to in the name of prevention, not the least of which are misdiagnosis, overdiagnosis and the promotion of breast cancer itself. '


Homemade Cleaners

Photo Credit: Abide With Me

'Why bother making cleaning products, you may ask? For one thing, it’s a very inexpensive idea of using common items you probably already have in your pantry. These recipes are easy to assemble and make cleaning more pleasurable by not having to deal with harsh fumes and nasty chemicals. I just can't tolerate those old cleaners anymore.

It’s amazing how really well they work. They are especially nice when you have little children who want to help Mommy clean and you can feel good knowing that they can squirt and scrub to their hearts content. The wonderful aromas from the essential oils are so nice and smell “natural” compared to the store kinds


Fruit Restriction Advice for Type 2 Diabetics Proven WRONG

Fruit Restriction Advice for Type 2 Diabetics Proven WRONG

'Danish hospital researchers have proven that the typical recommendation among conventional doctors and nutritionists to type 2 diabetics to lay off the fruit is quite simply wrong.

The research comes from the Department of Nutrition of Denmark's West Jutland Regional Hospital. The researchers tested fruit consumption on 63 men and women who had been recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The researchers randomized the participants into two groups. One group was given the advice to eat at least two fruits a day, while the other was given the more common conventional medicine advice to eat no more than two fruits a day.'


CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine In An 8-Year Span When It Was Contaminated With Cancer Virus
Photo Credit:

'The CDC has quickly removed a page from their website, which is now cached here, admitting that more than 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine within an 8-year span from 1955-1963 when a proportion of the vaccine was contaminated with a cancer causing polyomavirus called SV40. It has been estimated that 10-30 million Americans could have received an SV40 contaminated dose of the vaccine.'


Essential Oils Proven to Treat 'Incurable' Ringworm Infections

'Ask any veterinarian: Ringworm is one of those infections considered to have no conventional cure. When cats are infected, they may be cleaned and washed and hopefully will repel the infection over time, but there is no known cure for the infection among conventional veterinarians.

In humans, applying antifungals repeatedly over months and months can effect a removal of the infection – but these will often take time. In some cases, powerful prescription antifungals are necessary, and they usually work, but they have been shown to exert considerable toxicity and possible resistance over time, and for these reasons the European Community has banned the use of most ringworm antifungals on sheep and other farm animals.'


Feds vs. Raisins: Small Farmers Stand Up to USDA --MORE FOOD FASCISM

'“They want us to pay for our own raisins that we grew,” says Raisin Valley Farms owner Marvin Horne. “We have to buy them back!”

This is but one absurdity that Marvin and his wife Laura have faced during their decade-long legal battle with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Every year, the Hornes plant seeds, tie vines, harvest fruit, and sun dry the grapes in paper trays.  And every year, the federal government prevents them from bringing their full harvest to market.'


The founder of Merck & Co., manufacturer of the HPV Vaccine ‘Gardasil’, was also former chairman of the Biological Warfare Committee of the US Army Chemical War Service during WW2

How Aluminum Causes Chronic Disease

Severely obese unhappy woman - fade
Photo Credit: Gaia Health

'As aluminum builds up in your body, your metabolism becomes more and more deranged. It’s likely a major factor behind obesity, and is tied to a wide range of life-destroying chronic disorders. We continue explaining how aluminum does this damage, and then explore how to protect yourself, including providing a list of aluminum-containing food additives.

This is the second of two articles. The first is Aluminum Food Additives Cause Obesity. Here, we go into more depth of how aluminum does so much metabolic damage and provide information on how to avoid it, including a list of food additives containing it.'


Baked or Fried avocado fries [Vegetarian]

avocado fries photo

'Okay, I am now offcially disgusted with myself. I took a healthy avocado, dipped it in egg, breaded it and then fried it. Yes, I did, and it was totally delicious. And then I made a little dip of sriracha sauce and mayonnaise. 

I've been reading various websites over the past couple of months looking a recipes for avocado fries thinking to myself "who would eat that?" Well, it turns out, me. And my husband. We both loved it. Wow, it was really good, and not something I'm going to repeat any time soon. 

It felt incredibly decadent, but hey, isn't that what summer is all about? I eat so many fruits and vegetables at this time of year, that a little indulgence seems okay.'


There Are Shocking Differences Between Raw Honey And The Processed Golden Honey Found In Grocery Retailers

'There are well over 30 commercial producers of honey that have no traces of pollen and lack beneficial vitamins and enzymes among a host of other natural constituents which are removed due to pasteurization and processing. Most golden honey you see at your local grocery is dead and far from the health promoting powerhouse of its raw unpasteurized counterpart. Processed honey is not honey at all and if you desire any kind of health benefits, you must stick to the real stuff.'


Most Recent Health Tips, Health News, and Easy Healthy Recipes How To Save Your Lungs Before It's Too Late

'As a society, my feeling is that we don't put enough emphasis on protecting our lungs against harmful macro and microscopic particles; this is a huge mistake, as reduced lung capacity is, in my mind, more damaging to quality of life than say, sub-optimal digestion, mild to moderate liver dysfunction, or even reduced cardiac output. 

 If you strongly disagree with this opinion, I'm willing to bet that you'll change your mind if you spend some time in any intensive care unit and sit by a few patients who are unable to properly oxygenate their blood because of reduced lung capacity - this is a heart-wrenching scenario, one that I don't wish upon the grouchiest people I know.' 


The Goji Berry: The Jolly Super Food That Gives You Something to Smile About


'In the valleys of Tibet and Mongolia the Goji (pronounced Go-Jee) berry has been highly cherished for centuries by locals for its medicinal properties and is honored in celebrations lasting two weeks each year. Historically, Goji foragers have collected the berries by shaking the vines, allowing the berries to fall onto mats, where the berries dry naturally and retain their nutrient content. Many producers still practice this collection method. 

Tibetans claim the most commonly cited side effect of eating too many Goji berries is that they may cause you to laugh more; and a handful in the morning will make you happy all day. Folklore or not, the extensive health properties were enough to entice me. I've been grinning from ear to ear since including this tasty little berry in my trail mix. I'm mad about their not-too-sweet, semi-tart flavor. It's something of a cross between a dried cherry and a raisin.' 


5 Good Things About Getting Older

'Despite what the media would have us believe, there are a lot of good things about getting older.

In today’s world, we’re faced with continual messages about aging. We hear about anti-aging products for your skin and hair just about every day. There are the new exercises to lift and sculpt, cosmetic surgery guaranteed to take 10 years off your face, and supplements to keep you feeling young well into your senior years.

Oh, and don’t forget all the steady reminders of everything that can go wrong the older you get, like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, and dementia.

Is there anywhere we can turn these days that we aren’t being told that getting older is just…well, bad?

We thought it was time to turn the tide a bit. After all, aging is, as the saying goes, a lot better than the alternative!'


How to Prevent and Treat Insect Bites Without Harsh Chemicals

'Summertime calls most of us to spend time outdoors. Alas, bugs can be a real buzz-kill at best, and carriers of disease at worst. Additionally, most commercial insect repellants contain a chemical known as DEET, which should be used with caution, if at all. Many studies have found DEET to have harmful effects.

Fortunately, there are plenty of tricks to keeping biting bugs at bay, and they don't involve applying toxic chemicals to your skin. There are also many natural remedies that can help take the sting out of your bites, should preventive methods fail.' 


Supreme Court Rules Drug Companies Exempt From Lawsuits Regardless of Harm or Death Caused By Medications


'The US Supreme Court has made a ruling on lawsuits against drug companies for fraud, mislabeling, side effects and accidental death. The precedent will allow 80 percent of all drugs to be exempt from legal liability.

Drug companies routinely fail to inform the public of serious side effects relating to pharmaceuticals. One of the most publicly known were the missing documents sent to the British Medical Journal by an anonymous source including reviews and memos indicating that Eli Lilly officials were aware in the 1980s that fluoxetine had very troubling side effects. Big pharma is always on a mission to minimise the side effects to prevent their likely negative effect on prescribing.' 


Spain Study Confirms Hemp Oil Cures Cancer without Side Effects

Photo Credit: World Truth

'The International Medical Veritas Association (IMVA) is putting hemp oil on its cancer protocol. It is a prioritized protocol list whose top five items are magnesium chloride, iodine, selenium, Alpha Lipoic Acid and sodium bicarbonate. It makes perfect sense to drop hemp oil right into the middle of this nutritional crossfire of anti cancer medicines, which are all available without prescription.'


Study Finds the Cause of Sadness
Photo Credit: Internationaltimes

'Human emotions are now targets for drug research. A new study, bought and paid for by Big Pharma, claims to have found the single molecule responsible for sadness. And you thought sadness had something to do with sad events? Apparently not. It’s just a sequence of chemical changes. Stop that, and you’ll never be sad again.'


Wheatgrass Turns Gray Hair Back to Its Natural Color
Photo Credit:

'Gray hair: The ultimate telltale sign of aging. Approximately half of all 50-year-olds are at least 50% gray. Try as you may to postpone the inevitable with expensive, foul-smelling and messy dyes, the battle against gray is predictable… gray is pretty much the undefeated champion. Or is it?
Regular consumption of the young grass of a common wheat plant can recolor those grays so that you can enjoy your lush, natural color well into your senior years. And it doesn’t just stop at the gray. This young cereal grass slows down the entire aging process by rejuvenating your cells, detoxifying your body, fighting tumors and tightening loose and sagging skin.'


Medicinal Cannabis Used To Prevent Cancer Growth

Mario Lap, President of DrugText Foundation, an international information facility on substance use, talks about his work and experiences with medicinal cannabis. Lap has worked with cannabis extract (oil) to treat himself and many others of cancer and various diseases. He tells us the success stories he has had and the measures they are taking to have medicinal cannabis legalized so people can have the affordable and effective treatment that they are in need of.

New Cholesterol Drug Guaranteed to Prematurely Kill You

'In order to obtain the incredibly low LDL levels now recommended, you typically have to take a cholesterol-lowering statin drug, and sometimes two or three of them in combination. Now, a new class of cholesterol drugs known as PCSK9 inhibitors promises to reduce LDL cholesterol levels to previously unheard of lows. Indeed, this type of drug can drop your level below 50!

My prediction? These drugs will absolutely kill people—not just some, but MANY. I cannot warn you against this terrible idea enough. While many worry that their cholesterol is too high, few give any thought at all to the damage that can result if your cholesterol is too low.'


Beware the Walgreens travel vaccination scam

'It is practically assumed nowadays that if you plan to travel overseas, you must first receive a barrage of vaccines in order to stay healthy and safe, especially if you intend to visit any third-world countries. 

But as you might imagine, this general sentiment is based largely on pharmaceutical industry propaganda, which presents itself as reputable-sounding immunization programs like "Travel Health Services" available from Walgreens.'


Yet Another Frankenfood Pandora’s Box: the Majority of Supplements are Now Laced with GMOs

'Just when you thought it couldn’t become much worse on the GMO front, information has surfaced indicating supplements often contain genetically modified organisms. Favorites like B-complex, vitamins C, E and D are particularly risky. Paradoxically, it is believed that a majority of acai and resveratrol products harbor GM material as well.'


Why I Stopped Using Sunscreen

Post image for Why I Stopped Using Sunscreen

'I  am a sun worshiper. I admit it. I love the feel of the sun on my skin  and I love how I feel after being in the sun. I believe that blocking  the sun’s rays can be detrimental to your health and use of sunscreen  can be harmful. Sunbathing and sun exposure is part of being healthy  when practiced with some common sense.

Staying out of the sun is the advice given by many health care  providers. Alternatively, another piece of advice is to use sunscreen  (which is toxic) to your skin. 

Over the years, with the  ever increasing statistics of skin cancer reported, people have gotten  so afraid of the sun they are walking around pale as ghosts and no  better for it — actually worse.'

Read  more...

How Medical ‘Science’ Proves that Black Is White

Man Faking Hiding His Eyes
Photo by Cayusa

'The corruption of medical science continues apace. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick shows how one study draws a conclusion that’s the exact opposite of what its data documents. Apparently, it doesn’t matter how many tricks and twists are applied, as long as the conclusion states what the pharmaceutical corporation wants.'


Where to Find Butter From Grass-Fed Cows

'Want to know where to find butter from grass-fed cows? I’ve said before that butter is a health food, but butter from grass-fed cows is even better — a nutritional powerhouse of vitamins A, D, & K-2, heart-disease preventing CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), and so much more.

Yet finding butter from grass-fed cows can be hard for those newly committed to doing so. Is buying certified organic butter enough? Do you absolutely need to find a local pasture-based dairy? What if there are no pasture-based dairies near you?

Consider this your guide for where to find butter from grass-fed cows.'


Garlic Beats Drug in Detoxifying Lead Safely From Body

Garlic Beats Drug in Detoxifying Lead Safely From Body

'Last year, a remarkable study published in the journal Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology revealed something very special about garlic: it is a natural detoxifier of lead and is not only as effective as a common chelation drug known as d-penicillamine at pulling this metal out of the body but is also much safer.

The study was titled, "Comparison of therapeutic effects of garlic and d-penicillamine in patients with chronic occupational lead poisoning," and sought to confirm previous research in animals that showed garlic (Allium sativum) is effective in reducing blood and tissue lead concentrations.'


How Yoga and Acupuncture Enhance Health—New Research on “Vagal Tone”

Photo Credit:Renegade Health

'How does all that twisting and bending benefit your health?
New research shows it may have to do with the biggest nerve in the body.

It’s possible we knew all along how yoga (and acupuncture, and exercise, and meditation) worked but didn’t connect the evidence…until now.

Researchers have gathered convincing evidence that yoga improves symptoms of a variety of conditions including depression and anxiety, diabetes, chronic pain, and even epilepsy. Acupuncture covers the same list and more, including faster recovery from a heart attack and stroke. And both acupuncture and yoga are finding greater acceptance for post-traumatic stress disorder.' 


Health Nuts: Seeds And Nuts You Should Eat Every Day

'Nuts and seeds are super healthy and most of us aren’t eating enough of them.  They are a great natural source of vitamins, minerals, protein, fat, and fiber.  I’ve been eating a ton of nuts and seeds as part of my anti-cancer diet since 2004.

Depending on whose list you read, the number one healthiest nut is either the almond or the walnut, but I’m not going to rank them, as this is not really a competition.  The “healthiest nut” is the one with the nutrients your body needs most on a given day.  Of course no one knows which one that is.  So the best strategy is to eat a variety.'


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