Photo Credit: Business Insider
'For years, I took for granted the convenience of walking to a yoga studio for my daily practice. Music humming in the background, mats freshly sprayed with a hint of lavender, and best of all, no planning required! Good yoga studios require one thing of their students: that they show up.
But what happens when we step away from this all? When our introductory passes run out? When we decide to travel? When we become curious and begin to wonder what yoga lies outside the studio walls?
The task of creating a personal yoga practice can be daunting. Until we realize that there's a template (and there are many!), the idea of conjuring yoga out of thin air seems mystical. All yoga, whether it's in a studio, your bedroom, or the middle of a busy sidewalk, stems from the same place: your body and breath. Even the need for a mat is a figment of our consumer culture's imagination!'
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