'After Rick Simpson's efforts to introduce his hemp oil to the Canadian Health system were denied, even after proving it had cured many of his town's cancer patients free of charge, he realized the cancer industry doesn't want a cure.
Now, he's in exile in Amsterdam because he refused to stop helping his neighbors free of charge and he refuses to deny the effectiveness of his hemp oil for cancer.
Dr. Robert Atkins asserted there are already hundreds of cures for cancer. His medical license was suspended for curing a woman's breast cancer with ozone therapy.'

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Joanne Crowther speaks about curing her cancer with Cannabis oil,
August 25, 2013
"I did a half-marathon, I raised $5000 for cancer research. Little did I know there was already a fuckin' cure and they wouldn't give it to me. ... They gave me really strong chemotherapy twice. They ruined my liver; they ruined my kidneys. They sent me home to die in April of last year. They said I would not live for six weeks.
And here I am today, still alive, because I found PhoenixTears.ca and Rick Simpson showed me how to make my own medicine so I could be here today.
We need to tell everyone about this cure. Everyone needs to know: there is actual medical marijuana products that will help you live, and help your friends live that have cancer. Everybody needs to know: nobody has to die from cancer. There is a cure, there's always been a cure. They just ... Big Pharma won't let us have it. How dare they?! Cancer research is a multi-billion dollar industry. ... And what are they doing? They're killing people like me with their drugs. It's bullshit! There's a cure! Phoenix Tears oil works! Tell everybody. Please!"
-- Joanne Crowther,
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