The Reality of Fluoroquinolones- or- How I Became Disabled over night


'Funny how we trust. We trust authority figures such as teachers, police, Doctors, political figures. It’s a funny business this trust thing. It must be in human nature to just trust that all of the above mentioned will simply do the right thing, especially Doctors. 

Their credo is “Do no harm” They swear an oath so why would a physician prescribe a drug that has a Black Box warning and a long ugly list of side effects for something as simple as a UTI or a sinus infection?

 A drug that was designed for use against Anthrax for a bad case of diarrhea? Who knows. A more thought provoking question is after treatment when patients present with severe and disabling side effects of the drug, now the patient is mentally ill. That’s another “profession” that gets a lot of undeserving respect, the psychologist. 

Doctors are now dabbling in psychology and assuming that patients who present with side effects of drugs are mentally ill rather then pursuing the actual medical complaints that patients present with. Here is a drug for your mental illness. The medical world has gone mad itself.'



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