Transhumanism: Genetic Engineering of Man – the New Eugenics
Photo Credit: Farm Wars

'There is a move afoot to reprogram humanity. To redefine it in the limited terms of scientific understanding, place it in a box, and then, all wrapped up in a pretty package, attempt to deliver this convoluted mess to us as progress.

There are those who think that, given the chance, they could and should genetically manipulate the earth and the creatures that inhabit it, including man, to suite a purpose of their own imaginings. They want to experiment on all of our precious resources, turn our rivers into streams of pollution, and take each and every living thing on earth and use it to create something “better.”

According to whose design? Well, the so-called “scientific” one, of course. And if this means combining cows and humans, goats and spiders, man and machine in order to achieve the goal? Well, so be it. After all, the only thing that is important is the end result. And the end result is that a few will obtain immortality… or so they think. And if a few eggs get broken in the process, well, that is the price paid for success.

This is Transhumanism – the natural culmination of something called reprogenetics. Some call it designer evolution.'



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